Thursday, March 19, 2009

I was excited about this blog so I decide to show my mother it. She reads the part about a glittery beaver and freaks out, scolding. I have now come to a new decision, not to tell or show my mother my blog.

Way to stomp on my excitment Gina.
Just before I went to sleep last night I was thinking about my day and everything I needed to get done. I was stressing over my english 102 final and how it has to be 10-12 pages long and if I was even going to be able to B.S. that much and in the middle of all these thoughts I thought of my blog and how great would it be to have a glittery beaver?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So under the influence of my two favorite girls (Cari Marie, Alyssa Mae) I have started a blog. I was thinking what should I devote my blog too? I plan to blog about the things I love and the things I hate. Hopefully I will have wonderful pictures with hilarious captions (we'll see how hilarious I can be)

Here is 2 pictures that sum me up.